Customer data platform

Accelerate growth with a customer data platform and make good data available to all teams.

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What is a customer data platform (CDP)?

A customer data platform helps you capture data from every customer interaction, consolidate that data into centralized user profiles and audiences, and connect the right data to the tools your teams need to grow.

Here’s how a customer data platform works:

A CDP helps you collect, clean, and structure your data into one place.

With all of your data in one place, you can remove bad data and respect user privacy

You can then use good data
to build profiles and audiences
to use across every tool  

Use your data, profiles, and audiences everywhere your business needs. 

The benefits of a
customer data platform

Clean and organize your customer data
Customer data management is the process of
acquiring, organizing, and using customer data. Customer data platforms make this process incredibly simple by automating and organizing data collection so that data is always usable.

Improve data protection and privacy
With the advent of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and other data privacy laws, respecting your customers’ data privacy is more important than ever. A CDP can help you protect their data.

Build insightful customer analytics
When you understand customer behavior, you make better decisions for marketing, product, sales, and more. By using a customer data platform, it’s easy to set up robust customer analytics that every team can rely on.

CDP success stories

Up to this point, we’ve mostly talked about customer data platforms in theory. It can be especially helpful to learn how other companies use their customer data platforms and the results they get from those tools.

That’s why we’ve compiled a few stories from companies that use a customer data platform to drive their business: 

Ready to accelerate your growth with a customer data platform

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Ready to accelerate your growth with a customer data platform

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Accelerate growth with a customer data platform and make good data available to all teams.

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